Customer Service Week 2018
Team City Property will be participating in Customer Service Week taking place during the first week of October, this year under the theme “I Care”. Realising it takes more than just a building to create a community, we’ll be paying tribute to all our valuable tenants and the staff who work tirelessly at serving our clients – on-site, front line and all the heroes behind the scenes.
Employees will be engaging in various initiatives aimed at enhancing our understanding of what it takes to serve our customers. Tenants will be treated to fun activities when visiting our banking hall.
We care about our tenants and want to make your stay as enjoyable and convenient as possible, follow City Property on Facebook and Twitter during the month of October for answers to your top frequently asked questions (FAQs) and check our about page to see what we are all about..
#CustomerServiceWeek #CSWeek2018 #CityPropertyFAQs